Brenik (brenik) wrote,

I think a man needs to be a man....

Джейсон Момоа (англ. Joseph Jason Namakaeha Momoa) - американский актер и модель, известный благодаря ролям Ронон Декс в научно-фантастическом телесериале «Звёздные врата: Атлантида» и Хала Дрого в фэнтези-сериале Игра престолов, а также главным ролям в фильмах «Конан» и «Аквамен»

Цитаты Джейсона Момоа:

1. I think a man needs to be a man. To hold a woman the way she wants to be held. Just do whatever your woman wants, and you'll be fine.

2. I think I was pretty reckless and definitely a bit out of control. Now, I'm more focused. Jason Momoa

3. I have my ups and my downs like anyone. All I can do is be me.

4. I just love stories, and I love movies, learning and seeing the world. Growing up in Iowa, it was like, you wanna see the world? Movies can help you do that.

5. Everything has technique to it. So if there's something you wanna try out, I think it's always good to get a trainer or listen to people who know what they're doing.

6. I'm an early riser. I work out really hard. I push myself; I get my job done, and at the end of the day, there's a Guinness waiting for me.

7. If I had a horse of my own that I loved and fed and knew me, it would be amazing.

8. I'm a strong alpha male but sensitive.

9. Whenever I wake up, I'm up. I don't lie there like an idiot. I get up, run up a hill, get some exercise, and have some time with my thoughts.

10. I go train, and like with Conan, I'm in leather, and with Drogo, I'm in leather or armor or something else. I'm not in my adidas sweat suit or my matching tracksuit pants to go work out. I got too busy of a day. I've got my boots
Tags: Знаменитости

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